Stephen was born and raised in Northwest Houston and attended Langham Creek High School where his journey into digital media began. During his sophomore year of high school he decided to take a visual arts course that introduced him to Adobe programs like Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. After some very persuasive recruitment, Stephen decided to join the Langham Creek Yearbook class for his Junior and Senior years. There he honed his skills and was selected as head Graphic Designer where he was responsible for the development of several of the book’s visual aspects such as the cover, end sheets, folios, division pages, as well as other graphic elements within the spread designs. After graduating high school Stephen enrolled in the Digital Media Arts program at Prairie View A&M University. In 2019, Stephen released a short 30 minute film titled “You Are Beautiful” that focused on how social media has a negative effect on young women. This film premiered in front of close to 50 people, in conjunction with an open mic/poetry night that was hosted by Stephen. During his time at Prairie View he was introduced to programs like Processing, Arduino, Maya, Unity, ToonBoom, and Unreal. In college, Stephen narrowed his digital focus to development based art centered around mediums like Generative Art, Virtual Reality, and NFT/ Web3 creation. He was also a member of the 2019 & 2021 men’s SWAC Championship Golf team.
During his final semester at Prairie View, Stephen was a member of the Southern Texas Professional Golf Associations fall internship as a member of their communications team as a Digital Media Intern. At the STPGA he had the opportunity to cover the largest junior golf program in the country. There he was responsible for obtaining live coverage for instagram stories as well as creating graphics in real time to be posted on social media (instagram, twitter, facebook, etc.). In addition to the posts he edited videos for the section and wrote several articles for their "PT Recap" on their website.
In December of 2022, Stephen graduated from Prairie View A&M magna cum laude. He is currently the Social Media Manager at Westwood Golf Club in Houston, TX
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